I was privalidged to provide decor for the GDDB Business Awards this year....
I was asked to quote on three different themes, and this is the one the board chose...
Arabain Nights......

As the Catholic Deb Ball was also using that staging, i lifted everything over the stage to allow heaps of access for the Debs and their partners....
I created the "tent" effect with lengths of fabric.....
The painted backdrop made all the difference to help create the theme....

The stage was further enhanced by the Arabian Night Balloon Charactors and Onion domes....
With lovely greenery around the charactors, it really added to the overall theme beuatifully and the greenery toook away the harsh lines......
These were featured on either side of the stage...

If you wish to have a themed event... contact Back to Balloons for a quote or decor suggestion...
Arabian night’s theme looks great, full of lighting and royal decorations- everything is always fantabulous in these parties. My little sister will turn 18 soon and it would be best theme for her bash. Do you know any good Los Angeles venues that offer services for Arabian themed parties?